Saturday, January 28, 2012

sniffle, cough, gasp

January 2012 has not started out very well for your library staff.  Those few of us that are still standing continue to struggle valiantly against the cold and flu season.  It's gotten so bad that patrons are starting to ask whether their favorite book guru/knowledge locater is on vacation or retired.  Never fear, as surely as winter turns into spring (and the SUN APPEARS IN WISCONSIN) we are making our way back.  Until then, a list of titles to help you through the winter blues, blahs and sniffles:

Breaking Free From Depression by Jesse Wright  (Alternative Wisconsin title:  "When the winter gets tough, toughen up, enso?  Go shovel more snow!")

Vitamin D Prescription:  The Healing Power of the Sun and How it Can Save Your Life by Eric Madrid  (Wisconsin title:  "No Sunshine Until Mother's Day...take your vitamins")

Three Week Boot Camp (DVD) by Denise Austin (Wisconsin title:  "Sounds Like a Nice Alternative to Shoveling Snow")

And the winner is....

The Beauty Diet by Lisa Drayer (Wisconsin title:  "All Wisconsin Women Look Like Miss America!")

Let's all strive for a healthier 2012 and don't forget the hand sanitizer!