Perhaps your favorite times are those evenings in the backyard spent with a campfire, marshmallows and funny or creepy stories. There are those people who are fortunate enough to have a permanent vacation spot...the family cabin "up north". Others may enjoy the summer family camping trip. Here in Wisconsin, there are several distinct breeds of people who go camping regularly. The RV people (who often have a permanent spot for the camper) and the "real" campers who use tents (called "roughing it"). Then there are those hardy souls who take an extended family vacation across the country visiting the sights and spending their nights camping. No matter how you do it, these are the moments that create the stories we share around our winter fires.
Some of us have a list of places we would like to visit at a future time in our lives. One might call it the travel "bucket list". There are a multitude of outdoor wonders and historical sites in the United States just waiting to be discovered by you. They may lie across the country or a few miles down the road. Maybe you want to share your favorite childhood campground or relive a family road trip with the next generation. Whatever it may be, now is the time to share some lasting moments with the people you care about most. It's time to hit the road. (A road trip tip: if you don't want to listen to the whining and fighting, try bringing along a book on CD for the kids. It can make the miles fly by.)