Books can be so versatile |
"The only things that grow in my garden are weeds." In my experience, this is the type of statement made by compliment-seeking, green-thumbed people who have fabulous, thriving gardens. Now I on the other hand can truly say that weeds seem to prosper at my home. In fact, the only desirable plants that grow at my house are wild, untended plants. Wild asparagus and rhubarb (courtesy of the previous owners) are abundant in the otherwise barren wasteland of dried grass that surrounds our home. Don't get me wrong, we like the
idea of having a garden. However, we lack the skill, knowledge, willing workers and TIME needed to put together a prosperous plot.

I've always been attracted to the idea of container gardening. Even though we live outside of town on a space larger than an acre, I haven't been able to muster any desire to do more than invest in a "Topsy-Turvy" tomato planter. By that I mean, I've
thought about getting one and trying it. (I am a little shy of the "As Seen On TV" products.) Every summer we have encouraged our daughter (who has actually shown some interest and talent in this area) to plant various vegetable seeds with the understanding that anything she plants is solely under her care. Her success has been sporadic as it often depends on us reminding her to water and weed her small plot. Now that she's older, she has started to abscond with all the produce since she's doing all the work.

I blame my anti-gardening feelings on my mother. She grew up on a farm in South Dakota. For many years she attempted to grow a gigantic South Dakota style garden in the back yard of our Washington State home. This would have worked out fine if the plot hadn't been surrounded by enormous pine trees which took up all the nutrients from the soil and blocked the majority of the sporadic sunlight. (There is also the endless rain factor, even in summer.) Pulling the weeds from this futile dream of abundance was one of my childhood chores. One learns to actively resent pulling weeds from a garden that doesn't produce anything in noticeable quantities.
Some day in the not-too-distant future, I plan to check out some of the gardening books from our library
and follow through on the project. Until that day, I hope that my wonderful, generous gardening neighbors will continue to share their extra zucchini, tomatoes, melons, and green beans with my family. People tell me that gardening is rewarding and relaxing. I guess I'd rather relax with a good book than a big plot of weeds.
The perfect book for the gardening newbie.