"So sad" |
When I was a little girl, she took care of me. She fed me. She washed my clothes. She made me take baths. She took time off of work and stayed home with me when I was sick. She even cleaned my room.
I'll never forget the time that Mom was spring cleaning behind the beds and found an old apple core. The sound of my name being shouted echoed through the house and outside to our cul-de-sac. I came running. It's foolishness to try to escape THAT tone of voice. I was told to hold out my hand. Not knowing what treasure might be awaiting me, I did. YUCK. Never has one apple core done so much to change someone's bad habits. I learned that if I wanted to have a snack in bed on those occasions when I stayed up all night reading, apple cores and other leftovers should be stored under my pillow where I would retreive them in the morning and dispose of them properly. I dare not attempt this at night because my mother ALWAYS woke up when there was noise at night and I didn't want her to take my book away.
"Oh, is that fiction?" |
Mom is a reader. An avid reader who loses track of time and becomes deaf and blind when she has a book in her hand. It doesn't even matter WHAT she's reading. She goes into her "mom is reading now" zone and doesn't resurface for anything except
"Dancing With the Stars". Whenever she plans a visit, I stock up on titles that I think might keep her occupied while the rest of us are frantically running our ordinary lives. Recently, she gave
The Americanization of Benjamin Franklin by Gordon S. Wood an "it was interesting" which is probably a three and a half star rating for her. Michael Oher's
I Beat the Odds was given a "his early life is so sad" which is mom-speak for she couldn't put it down. I am trying to decide whether or not to hand over
Two Rings: a story of love and war by Millie Werber to her. (It's currently at the top of MY reading pile and I won't get it back until she finishes it.) I would like her to preview Margot Livesey's
The Flight of Gemma Hardy for me. I am a big believer of encouraging others to break out of one's reading comfort zone and she needs to shake that non-fiction addiction.
Mom, thank you for sharing your love of reading with me. I know that at times you've called it a curse. It is a treasure that I can share without fear of it ever running out. This is a gift that grows and expands and is life-long. It is common gound that we can share even when you are thousands of miles away. Every time I have a book sharing moment, I think of you. I am so glad I will always have this part of you to share with others. Happy Mother's Day, Mom.
"Interesting" |