Thursday, December 20, 2012

Why won't you listen?

Sometimes it's torment.  Listening to a book that is poorly narrated can become agonizing for the listener.  It's almost embarrassing.  It's certainly frustrating.  Poor narration can be so distracting that the listener can no longer concentrate on the story.  You find yourself thinking about WHY the narrator is doing certain things (like using odd voices that don't seem true to the characters) instead of focusing your mind on the story.  Even a popular or bestselling book can be ruined by poor narration.  It can become so bad that one develops a distaste for a formerly favorite author because the audio book is awful.  Similar to readers who like to cleanse their reading palate by working through several books at the same time, those who listen to books usually have at least one book in reserve in case they come across an "audio-clunker". 
How do you find audio books with great narration?  Readers don't seem to discuss great audio books in the same way or as frequently as they do their favorite author, series, or genre.  Often the choices made in this area are based on availability and author name recognition.  Or simply the thought that the library bought it so it must be good, right?  Not necessarily.  As with all things that go through the selection process, just because a reviewer thought a book was fantastic, it does not mean that everyone else will.  It's a judgement call.
A classic-from the 2012 Listen List.
There are several excellent online resources for readers looking for their next good listen.  The online book community goodreads has an active discussion board dedicated to all things audio book.  Booklist, a respected library review source, publishes lists of great audio books courtesy of the "Audiobooker" blog which is found through Booklist online.  The American Library Association publishes the Listen List which is an award for outstanding narration.  They also have a page entitled ALA Recommended Listening which contains a plethora of links to a variety audio book lists for children, teens and adults.  Further audio book reviews can be found at and
One place NOT to go for an audio book review is  All consumer reviews and published book reviews are linked to the book regardless of the chosen format.  This can be terribly misleading when one is simply looking for whether or not Emma Donoghue's book Room is worth a listen.
For non-fiction enthusiasts
 (2012 Listen List)
From the2012 Listen List,
this will
keep you in SUSPENSE.
Finding a good audio book can make your trip or commute a thing of joy.  Well, it can make the trip or commute pass much more pleasantly.  A good audio book will get you to your destination and force you to sit in your vehicle a few more minutes because you don't want it to end.  It's the same feeling that many readers get when they know they need to shut off the light and get some rest but they are compelled to finish the page they're reading or the last chapter.  Listening to a great performance together can become the stepping stone for a book discussion with your family and remain a wonderful shared experience.  Find even more time to expand your mind, listen to a good book.

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