Saturday, March 31, 2012

Readers' Advisory for Everyone

My all-time favorite is a classic
Do you have a favorite book or author?  Remember how you felt the first time you read something by them and how desperately you wanted to share that reading experience with someone else?  Do you understand how it feels when your your pile of "must-reads" dwindles to NOTHING????

You might say something like this:
"I need a book.  My favorite author isn't coming out with their next book for three months and I'm out of books to read.  I'm DESPERATE.  Help me.  I want something just like......"

The librarian at the reference desk can help you through your reading drought.  Like all reference transactions, it will start with questions in order to determine where YOU want to go.  Do you like mysteries?  Romance?  Suspense?  Do you prefer a particular type of setting like the midwest?  What is the title of the last book you read?  What kinds of books do you dislike?  This is called readers' advisory and anyone at the reference desk should be able to help you.  You might also refer to this as a read-alike.

If you like Nora Roberts, you might want to try-

LaVyrle Spencer

Jennifer Blake

Sandra Brown

Elizabeth Lowell

Phyllis Whitney

Julie Garwood

If you like John Grisham, give these authors a try-

Scott Turow

Richard North Patterson

Steve Martini

William Bernhardt

Lisa Scottoline

If you just love that Nicholas Sparks, try-

Richard Paul Evans

Kristin Hannah

Lorna Landvik

Nicholas Evans

Annie Garrett

If you can't get enough of Janet Evanovich's quirky Stephanie Plum, here are some other authors with fun characters-

Carl Hiassen
Sharon McCrumb

Jan Burke

Jennifer Crusie/Bob Mayer

Stephanie Bond

Reader's advisory is a service we offer to anyone in need of a good read.  Recently people have been looking for anything similar to The Hunger Games.  There are several similar books that we can help you find (or read my previous post about dystopias).  We want to help you find those books that make you stay up until 3am reading.  The advent of eReaders has not diminished interest in reading, it has increased it due to the fact that they make books available 24/7.  One of the most rewarding experiences we share as readers is inviting others into our experiences so that they can get excited about an author or book that we love.  Next time, don't hesitate to stop at the reference desk and ask us, "What good books have YOU read lately?" 

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